without giving up bread, chocolate, or cheese?

(even if you don’t have access to a gym

or many hours to meal prep)


  • You hide in the back of group photos because you hate how you look.

  • You’ve done a ton of restrictive diets but always regain the weight & feel worse than when you started.

  • You spend way too much time feeling guilty about food & questioning if you’re doing the right things.

  • You’re embarrassed taking the stairs at work because you get winded every time.

  • You feel overwhelmed by the confusing & conflicting fitness & nutrition information you see online.

  • You’re no longer willing to restrict & punish yourself or your body.


"How is THIS the one thing in my life I can't figure out?"


With our proven EmpowHER Fit Method, you'll receive expert guidance to stop relying on quick fixes that don't last & to level up your fitness & confidence in a sustainable way...

...just like hundreds of our clients have done

If you know you deserve more & just need to follow the right path to look & feel your best,


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis. Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus.

Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet purus odio.

Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit.

Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum. Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue.

Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit. Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales. Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat.

Aliquam orci nunc, imperdiet eu mauris eget, volutpat vulputate sapien.

The Only System You’ll Ever Need To

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis. Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus. Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit. Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo.

12 Weeks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

65+ Modules

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

1 System

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Get your body back in alignment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Fix your posture

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Strengthen your pelvic floor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Eliminate pain

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Feel confident in the gym

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Release tension in your body

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.


The Only System You’ll Ever Need To


Other programs you might've tried...

❌ Take a one-size fits all approach

❌ Don't consider your mindset or relationship with food

❌ Give you boring meal plans & lists of foods you can't eat

❌ Make you spend way too much time working out & meal prepping

❌ Blame your commitment if you're struggling

❌ Push unsustainable approaches that leave you yo-yo dieting

With EmpowHER Fit, you'll...

✅ Never go back to restrictive diets again

✅ Get personalized coaching based on your goals, needs & preferences

✅ Enjoy food & be able to eat with your family & at restaurants

✅ Have a support team ready to help you navigate any situation (travel, holidays, eating out, etc).

✅ Become your fittest, most confident self for the long-term because you have the skills to sustain it


Phase 1: Become It.

In this phase, you’ll embrace your worthiness for positive change, unlearn unsupportive habits, begin to restore any metabolic or hormonal dysfunction that is holding you back, & recalibrate to a new empowering baseline.

Our clients tend to experience increased energy & strength, reduced bloating, better sleep & decreased stress during this stage.

Phase 2: Earn It.

Next, you will cultivate new sustainable habits to begin feeling better through improved energy, strength & body composition.

During this phase, our clients tend to see visible physique changes, such as clothes fitting better, more shapely muscles & fat loss, not to mention improved stamina & further strength gains.

Phase 3: Own It.

In this phase, with your body now functioning at its full capabilities & your habits optimized, you will harness your strengthened foundation to accelerate decisively toward your fitness goals.

Whether you're working toward a physique goal, such as toning up, or toward a performance goal, such as running a 5k or a long-distance hike, this is the phase where we'll turn up the dial to get you there.

Phase 4: Master It.

In this phase, you will find your “happy place” - where you enjoy life, feel confident in your body, & feel empowered in the habits you’ve built so you can continue forward on your own.


Hi, I'm Emily!

I’m the creator & head coach of EmpowHER Fit.

I understand what it’s like to struggle with food & body image. I spent too many years chained to the scale, overtrained & exhausted, & restricting myself to achieve a distorted version of "perfection."

I struggled with an eating disorder in high school, & even into college, I was terrified to eat a “bad” food & to see the scale increase. While I started exercising as part of my disorder, I soon fell in love with how strong & capable it made me feel.

I credit 3 things with helping me rewrite my relationship with food & my body...

  • Exercise - it was the first time I learned to appreciate my body for what it could do & not just its size.

  • Education - as I started learning about proper nutrition (& eventually dove into my Master’s degree in Exercise Science), I was able to break free of the BS diet culture misinformation I had been living by.

  • Mentors - learning from other women who already had the fitness & nutrition approach I was after helped me realize it was possible for me, too.

I didn’t know it at the time, but these were the beginnings of EmpowHER Fit.

I know you're already amazing, just as you are. This isn't about "fixing" anything. It's about loving yourself & your body even more, as prioritizing your fitness & wellness is the ultimate way to show your body love.

At EmpowHER Fit, we help high-achieving women become their fittest, happiest, & most confident selves.

We use evidence-based strategies to help you build sustainable habits that fit into your busy life. It’s my personal goal is that every woman we work with develops the knowledge, skills & mindset to eventually do this on her own.

If you’re ready to ditch restrictive diets, feel freedom & ease around food, & become your strongest you, I’d love for you to join us in EmpowHER Fit!





“I now see myself in the mirror as a strong, persevering, beautiful woman”

- Grayce, Former EmpowHER Fit Client

Here's what to do next...


➡️ Fill out a coaching application.

Tap the link below to fill out a coaching application & please provide as much info as possible. Don't stress - filling out an application doesn't lock you into anything! It just helps us dive right in on our call.


➡️ Schedule your discovery call.

After you fill out your application, you’ll be directed to schedule your discovery call, where we'll discuss your goals & get you clarity on how to get there, as well as mutually see if we're a good fit to work together.


➡️ Join EmpowHER Fit!

If we decide that it’s a good fit, we can get you signed up right away and begin the onboarding process as soon as you’re ready.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.placerat dolor in iaculis convallis. Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus.

Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt.Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit.

Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum.

Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue. Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales.

Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat.

Aliquam orci nunc, imperdiet eu mauris eget, volutpat vulputate sapien.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

placerat dolor in iaculis convallis. Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus.

Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt.

Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit.

Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum.

Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue. Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.

Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales.

Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat.

Aliquam orci nunc, imperdiet eu mauris eget, volutpat vulputate sapien.

Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue. Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.

Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales.

Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat.

Aliquam orci nunc, imperdiet eu mauris eget, volutpat vulputate sapien.

Here’s What You’ll Discover

In Pelvic Floor Secrets

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus. Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt.

Just like I did for Kristen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convalli.Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus. Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt.

Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit.Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim.Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum.

Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue. Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales.Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat.

Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue. Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales.Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat.Aliquam orci nunc, imperdiet eu mauris eget, volutpat vulputate sapien.

Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit.Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum,nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim.Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex

facilisis dictum.

Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue. Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum veli.Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales.Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat.

Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue. Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentumvelit.Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales.Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat.Aliquam orci nunc, imperdiet eu mauris eget, volutpat vulputate sapien.


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Will I be expected to give up certain foods in EmpowHER Fit?

The short answer? Absolutely not! At EmpowHER Fit, we do not give you a list of foods to avoid or consider “off limits,” and we will do not expect you to give up or cut out any foods. 

The longer answer is this - 

No singular food is holding you back from where you want to be. It’s the combination of your nutrition, movement, & lifestyle habits AND mindset that will take you closer to or further from your goals. There is no reason to remove any specific food from your diet, unless you are allergic to it or don’t enjoy it.

When we’re told we can’t have something, we tend to want it even more, right?

Our clients have reported that when they’ve done restrictive diets in the past and had to cut out a food (or entire food group), that food becomes all they can think about & they count down the days until they’re “allowed” to eat that food again. Sounds like a recipe for overindulging & yo-yo dieting to us.

So no, while we will teach you how to be intentional with your food choices & create balance within your food choices, we 100% will not ask you to cut out any foods.

Will I be expected to follow a specific meal plan?

Our answer to this question is similar to the last one. Definitely not!

We understand the allure of meal plans - just tell me what to eat, and I’ll eat it! Simple.

However, what happens when you get bored of those meals, are traveling, or want to eat out on Friday night? Meal plans are a temporary solution - the kind of band-aid that has probably kept you stuck.

While meal plans can be can be convenient for a time, they miss one giant point: teaching you HOW to eat in a sustainable way.

That’s why we use personalized nutrition coaching, with plenty of recipes and tools on how to implement it, so you can master the skills needed to build a nutrition approach that fits your lifestyle…and never have to follow another temporary diet again.

Will I have to track all of my calories?

We so appreciate this question because many of our clients come to us after having meticulously tracked every calorie they ate in apps like MyFitnessPal, dreading having to track food at restaurants & birthday parties, & feeling like a failure anytime they went above their calorie allotment.

That said, we do have other clients who enjoy the level of detail that calorie and/or macronutrient tracking can provide.

At EmpowHER Fit, we take a personalized approach to nutrition coaching, meaning we have to consider your individual goals, needs, preferences, history, & lifestyle when we recommend any specific strategies. 

Calorie tracking is just one tool in a greater nutritional toolkit that can be appropriate & helpful for some clients, sometimes, but it is not required or even recommended for all. We have many other tools we can use within our toolkit! :) 

Do all EmpowHER Fit clients have weight loss goals?

Our EmpowHER Fit community is filled with amazing women who have a variety of goals for their health, fitness & wellness!

Common EmpowHER Fit client goals include:

> Having more energized
> Building strength & stamina
> Building muscle & decreasing body fat
> Improving bloodwork & health markers (like A1c, blood pressure, cholesterol)
> Feeling more confident in what your body can do
> Being able to do more physical activities, like hiking, more easily
> Having a better relationship with food & feeling less food guilt
> Confidently navigating food at social events, restaurants, travel, etc.
> Finally prioritizing yourself (because you’re worth it!)

Many, but certainly not all, of our clients also have goals related to fat loss or improved body composition, and our approach is tailored to your unique goals.

What if my results stall?

Within your fitness journey, progress & results can come in many forms, especially if you have multiple goals.

That said, if your results do stall, there is a reason for it.

That’s why, as your coaches, we will be monitoring your progress, identifying the next steps needed to reach your goals, & helping you implement those steps.

Progress will not always be linear, but when you invest in coaching support, you have us by your side to help you every step of the way.

How does online coaching with EmpowHER Fit differ from in-person training?

Don’t get us wrong, every trainer on the EmpowHER Fit team got started doing in-person training, and we love it.

However, it went something like this...

You pay the gym $60-$150/hour to get a kick-ass workout & some form tips. Great.

Then, you go home. That’s where the habits you’ve built for DECADES creep in, propelling you further away from your goals, regardless of the quality of your workout.

EmpowHER Fit is different because we take a whole-person approach to helping you reach your goals. When we were working in gyms, we just didn’t have time within your 30-60 minute workout session to also help you other areas that can be even bigger rocks - nutrition, mindset, time management, and other lifestyle habits.

So while we do provide tailored, effective & progressive workout plans, & convenient ways to receive coaching on your exercise form digitally, working with EmpowHER Fit virtually means you also have support in the areas that have an even greater impact on your long-term goals. Plus, you have access to your coaches literally in your back pocket, so you have support whenever you need it.

Do you work with clients with PCOS?

Yes, we do work with clients who are living with PCOS!

It’s estimated that 5-10% of women ages 18-44 have PCOS, and while it’s often misdiagnosed and poorly understood, many of the symptoms can be better managed with the lifestyle changes we focus on within EmpowHER Fit.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach for all women with PCOS, but lifestyle changes tend to focus on blood sugar management (since PCOS is often associated with insulin resistance), weight management to improve hormonal imbalances, and overall stress & symptom management through nutrition, exercise and other healthy habits.

Do you work with clients with hypothyroidism?

Yes, we do work with clients with hypothyroidism.

With an underactive thyroid, your thyroid gland does not produce enough of the hormones that regulate your metabolism. This can lead to  fatigue, feeling extra drained after a workout, elevated LDL cholesterol, and more.

On top of that, your metabolic rate can be slower than someone without hypothyroidism, making it more difficult to lose weight (the rate of metabolic slowdown is highly individual, dependent on medication, etc.).

With that said, it is still totally possible to lose weight with hypothyroidism. At EmpowHER Fit, we focus on finding your “happy weight” - where you can feel, look & perform at your best while enjoying life!

We’ll also focus on habits & lifestyle changes that can have major positive outcomes in managing hypothyroid symptoms. 

Do you work with women with diabetes?

Yes, we do work with clients with diabetes, prediabetes, and insulin resistance. In fact, our on-staff dietitian is a certified diabetes educator!

If blood sugar management is an important goal for you, be sure to let us know that on our call, & ask us about some of our programs specifically designed for diabetes management.

Do you work with women who are in menopause?

Yes, we work with clients in perimenopause, menopause & postmenopause.

In fact, we love working with clients at this stage of life, as fitness, nutrition & a healthy lifestyle become even more important.

Not only have our clients in menopause experienced body fat loss; they’ve reported having improved sleep & mood and feeling more energized during times of day when they were normally dragging.

Some of the areas we focus on with our clients in menopause include:
> Building lean muscle for metabolic health
> Exercise for bone & heart health
> Habits for improved sleep & lowered stress
> Nutrition for increased energy & weight management 

Can I still do your workouts if I have an injury?

Let’s face it - injuries are frustrating - and common.

And if you’re dealing with an injury, the last thing you need is to follow a cookie cutter workout plan that doesn’t take your injury into account and leaves you in more pain, unable to exercise.

At EmpowHER Fit, since we are able to customize your workout plan to work around injuries, we frequently work with clients who have preexisting injuries, often in collaboration with their physical therapist or other healthcare provider.

Our best advice to you is to let us know about any potential injuries you’re dealing with. We’ll assess the modifications that may be needed for your workouts so you can get the most out of them. 

How much does EmpowHER Fit cost?

Being a client of EmpowHER Fit is an investment into your future, as you’ll take the knowledge, skills & mindset that you build in this program with you for the rest of your life.

We are happy to be able to offer multiple levels of support, depending on your goals, needs, and budget. When we meet during your discovery call & if we decide that it’s a good fit to work together, we can determine the best coaching option for you.

Investing in yourself by joining EmpowHER Fit is typically a low 4-figure investment, spread out over 6+ months, and we are HSA/FSA eligible. For reference, the monthly cost of most of our coaching options is less than the monthly cost of working with a personal training 1-2x per week (& provides far more support toward long-term sustainable results).

Which credentials do your coaches have?

At EmpowHER Fit, we pride ourselves on keeping up-to-date with our certifications & continuing education so we are in the know on the latest research & strategies in our industry.

Collectively, your EmpowHER Fit coaches hold the following credentials:

> Master's degree in Kinesiology, Exercise Science

> Registered Dietitian

> National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer
> National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Nutrition Coach
> National Academy of Sports Medicine Virtual Coaching Specialist
> Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach
> Nutrition Coaching Institute Level 1 Nutrition Coach
> Nutrition Coaching Institute Stress & Hormone Specialist
> Certified Diabetes Educator
> Girls Gone Strong Pre- & Postnatal Fitness Coach
> Girls Gone Strong Menopause Coaching Specialist (in progress)
> National Academy of Sports Medicine Women's Fitness Specialist (in progress)


This can be your reality.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis. Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus.

Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet purus odio.

Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit. Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim.

Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum. Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue.

Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.

Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales.

Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat. Aliquam orci nunc, imperdiet eu mauris eget, volutpat vulputate sapien.


Why have I not made it to full recovery yet?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus. Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit.

Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum. Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue.

Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.

Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum. Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue.

Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum. Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue.

Why are kegals NOT the solution for leaking?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus. Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit.

Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum. Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue.

Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.

What is the job of the pelvic floor?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis. Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus. Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt.

My doctor said not to lift anything over 10 pounds...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus. Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt.

Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit.

Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum.

Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue. Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.

Donec elementum felis massa, nec pulvinar nunc eleifend sodales. Donec egestas sapien quis ipsum volutpat consequat.

Aliquam orci nunc, imperdiet eu mauris eget, volutpat vulputate sapien.

How does this program fit with pelvic floor physio?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.

Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus. Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit.

Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum. Nam vel enim vel quam cursus congue.

Donec ac nisi ultrices, egestas nunc sit amet, condimentum velit.

Why is strength training the solution?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis. Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus.

Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet purus odio. Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit. Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo.